Happy new year!
I've decided to start the year with a list of goals I'd like to accomplish in 2020. It's a pretty ambitious list, and I'm very aware that I probably won't accomplish them all. However, I think it's important to have goals and they might keep me somewhat focused on what I want to achieve this year.
I've listed the five crafts I start the year out with doing and the projects I want to work on.
Mega mandala blanket
In January I've started my mega mandala blanket, pattern by HanJan crochet. I've wanted to make this for years and this year is the year! I really want to have the blanket done by the end of March, and while it's rather ambitious, it can be done. If I crochet at least a round a day I'll be done way before my 'deadline'.
Goldenrod sweater
I got the yarn and I got the pattern by Linda Skuja. I need to make a gauge sample, and then I need to start the sweater. If possible I'd like to finish the sweater before the autumn, but if it's going to be autumn 2020 only time will tell!
I am a bit nervous starting this, as it will be my first crocheted sweater. I will admit that I'm a bit daunted by the project.
Last Dance on the Beach blanket
I am not particularly fond of the yarn I use in the LDoB blanket, but I would like to make some more squares this year. A bit of progress is better than no progress, and I'll be so happy when the blanket is done.
Elderberry shawl
I really want to make a shawl with the handdyed elderberry yarn I bought from Crafternoon Treats. I still don't know what pattern I'm going to use, but I have added a few ideas to a bundle on Ravelry. I know it's going to be a crocheted shawl and I'm going to use both the pink and the green yarn I bought. That's it so far.
Noam's nissehue
I've fallen in love with Noam's Nissehue by Rikke Witten. I am definitely going to make one for myself, and I might make one for William. He will defiinitely get one at some point, but right now he refuses to wear anything on his head, so it would be a waste if that doesn't change. If it does change then he will get one of course.
Stormy Sky Shawl
I've decided to try making a Stormy Sky Shawl. It looks pretty difficult, but the pattern difficulty shows that it should be easy, so I'm going to try. If it goes haywire, I can just frog it!
I really want to make the little narwhale from Little Beach Hut I won last year. It's a small project I can sit and make in the sofa, so it's easy to get out when we've put William to bed in the evening.
Christmas calendar
I need to finish Williams Christmas calendar before december, so focus will be on it this year!
Single rose
I am missing very little on 'Single Rose' so I really ought to finish it, It's a beautiful project, so I am looking forward to it being finished.
Project bags
I really want to start making project bags. I'm hoping to start when we get into spring.
I've bought fabric and patterns for clothes for William, and I really want to start making some. I think it will be in the spring as well, when I get my sewing machine out.
Handspun yarn
I'd like to finish the yarn I started spinning on my drop spindle and improve my technique and tension.I'm going to revisit my goals during the year and do follow ups on how it's going with them. If I reach a few of them I'll be happy!

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